

  • July 2010
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Archive for "Jul 05 2010"

The Future of Hill Riders

It is hard to believe that Hill Riders is now over two years old.  A lot has happened during that period of time, and to be honest, most of it good.  However, as with any endeavor, things do change.

When we started Hill Riders, we had the blessings of Pastor Terry Ellis and Russ Holmes our Minister of Education. These two leaders took my far fetched idea of starting a motorcycle ministry at Spring Hill and said, run with it.  They gave me support and encouragement to help start this ministry.  For the past two years they have allowed us to hold our Bible Studies at the Activities Center where we average 12-14 members for each meeting.

My vision for this ministry was to be a support group for the other Christian motorcycle ministries in the area.  Our motto:  “If you need us, we’ll be there”.  While we don’t wear a patch on our back that says Hill Riders (although we do have T-Shirts) you can find us at all kinds of motorcycle functions.  From rallies, poker runs, benefits, charities, fellowship rides, touring, sightseeing, toy-runs and even funerals…you name it and, most likely, a member of our group will be there.  And even without a patch, most know we are members of Spring Hill Baptist Church.

Several months ago, our pastor, Terry Ellis resigned from our church.  Recently, Russ Holmes accepted a call from The Church at Rock Creek in Little Rock, Arkansas.  The two men who shared my vision and supported our group from the beginning are no longer a part of our church leadership.  Our church has formed a pulpit search committee and is actively seeking a new pastor.  Soon, the church will start the process of replacing Russ as well.  For the time being, our former pastor of 20 plus years, Dr. Drew Gunnells, has come out of retirement to be our interim pastor.

So what does this mean for Hill Riders?  Until new leadership is installed, we will continue our mission just like we have over the past two years.  When the new pastor is selected and, if he has a new direction we need to follow, we will follow his lead.  As I said before, we are a service ministry and our goal and purpose is to serve.  However, I am hoping he comes into town on a new Ultra Classic wearing a Sturgis T-Shirt.  But I don’t believe that was part of the prerequisite set forth by the search committee.

In closing, let me once again thank Terry Ellis and Russ Holmes for their support in the creation and support of Hill Riders.  For every dollar we’ve help raise for a benefit, for every toy that was given in a toy-run for a needy child, for every pray that has been prayed in the hall of a hospital around a wounded biker, for every hug that has been given to a family member at a funeral and for every fallen soldier that has come home under the banner of the motorcycle Patriot Guard, these two men of God will have all this credited to their heavenly account because they cared enough to give Hill Riders a chance.

Thank you Terry and Russ for believing in us, and may God Bless you and your families.

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